Many thanks for your email. Having looked at the S75 associated with planning permission Ref 20/00110/PM at Hallhill the land transfer was to East Lothian Council.
The works ongoing on site are ground works to facilitate the creation of the sports pitch and openspace and includes soil storage to facilitate those works. Class 14 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(Scotland) Order allows for — (1) The provision on land of buildings, moveable structures, works, plant or machinery required temporarily in connection with and for the duration of operations being or to be carried out on, in, under or over that land or on land adjoining that land.
Therefore the ongoing works are not a breach of planning control.
… the soil will be deposited on site and used for ground works including to form bunds created within the area of openspace and for landscaping. It is my understanding that the stockpile of soil will sit on the site of one of those bunds and therefore neither it not its associated landscaping can be formed until other elements of the openspace and sports pitches have been completed. That soil would therefore be required to form the final bund and associated landscaping.
However, if a further planning consent were to be granted for an alternative scheme of development such as a pump track or skatepark then the soil could if so required be used for that purpose. Therefore the stockpiling is not a breach of planning control.