Starter for 10

1) the s75 agreement, 2) the decision notice and 3) the stamped approved drawings suggests to me that there is a valid consent to develop the area, quite modestly.

It doesn’t include a pump track at all, rather a forest trail.

There’s a discrete, if unnecessary, “kick about pitch” that would not require earthworks – a flail mower to tame the rank grasses would do the trick, but why bother there are so many unused pitches around Dunbar.

Unusual that a developer would start on works that are very marginal to the objective of flogging houses, at this very early stage … unless they wanted to make a change that would be hard to reverse or they had no idea where else to store the soil for six years (damage a perfectly good area that is rewilding naturally and fencing off should be a criminal offence).

But AFAICS there is consent to allow TW to store, or move earth onto this area.

They seem to be in breach of at least 2 points of the conditions – on the biodiversity report and the deer assessment (the latter has been received, but for some mysteriour reason the biodiversity report is being held back). These could easily be shared with community representatives or their retained professional advisors (suitably redacted.)

The files are available here (too big to send):–YFdoquQ6H7orzhS?usp=sharing

By jampot

@jampot is a sockpuppet and loves everything you probably hate such as wasps, bitter fruits, decay and putrefaction and most things wild